The Solution

Reach. Teach. Equip.

The Solution


We are called to go into deep villages of Uganda to advocate for the forgotten orphans. 70% of Uganda’s population lives in rural areas, with the largest youth population on Earth, 60% are minors and 15% of them are orphans.


We provide orphan children with the opportunity to get Christ – centered education, giving them the tools
to learn to see their true identity in Jesus Christ will transform their lives and ultimately generations to
come. Jeremiah 1:5 and Ephesians 1:5.


We equip through handiwork programs, teaching classes about arts and crafts, sewing, baking and farming. Art and craft are part of Ugandan culture. Crafts have been developed through the traditions of the people through a variety of historical events and influences. We equip teen moms and students with skills and knowledge to turn these traditions into a business, with a goal for them to become self-sufficient. These skills can be passed down from generation to generation.

Innovative solutions:

We realize that only the Holy Spirit can change hearts, we are fully dependent on the Holy Spirit to guide our every decision in transforming the lives of orphans.

We believe that generation change starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that’s how communities and generations will be transformed.

Partner with us to change generations to come.

Orphans in Uganda
0 M
Primary school dropout rate
0 %
Children live in poverty
0 M
Living with HIV/AIDS
0 M